Andy Sanderson

Andy Sanderson

Holiday Villa Portugal:

Holiday Villa Portugal - my spacious Holiday Villa in beautiful and peaceful Central Portugal, (sleeps 10 people)
with a large, private swimming pool and spacious walled garden, near Lake Aguieira, at Santa Comba Dão,
on the IP3 half way between the ancient and historic Roman cities of Coimbra and Viseu.

Holiday Villa Portugal

British Gliding Association "Full Category" Instructor
Private academic tutorials in PHYSICS, to university entrance level - please contact me for details
Private academic tutorials in CHEMISTRY, to GCSE level - please contact me for details
Bespoke web application architecture and development - please contact me for details

Contact me:

- please forgive the spam stopper.

Find me:

My UK address on Google Earth: 51 56.160'N 0 35.364'E

My Portugal address on Google Earth: 40 24.972'N 8 08.022'W - - - - see Holiday Villa Portugal


Bike ride from Essex to central Scotland 2012

Bike ride from Central Portugal to the UK 2017

Essex & Suffolk Gliding Club

Facebook Me

Facebook Holiday Villa Portugal

Holiday Villa Portugal

easyJet is shit - don't use them